George Elvis's WebHome
Pictures from 0 to 6 months
Pictures from Month #7
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Welcome to George Elvis Woods' WebHome

Here are the current stats on George (Updated on Sept 29th, 2002)
- Age: just about 8 months
- Weight: 10 kilos in the first week of August, prolly 11 kilos now(about
24 lbs)
- Length: 72 cm in the first week of August, maybe just a bit more
now(28.5 inches)
His newest achievements:
- He just got tooth #7 a few weeks back.
- He can stand on his own without any support for about 5 seconds. He can
pull himself into a standing position and as long as he holds on, he can
stand for a good minute or more.
- He can anywhere in the house when he uses the walker.
- He can not only smile at people, he can scowl at them.
His current food:
- Milk, Nestle Bear Brand #2 Follow-up Formula
- Cereal, Nestle Wheat w/ milk and Nestle Mixed Fruits with Rice
- Mashed Potatoes
I have some pictures pages for you viewing pleasure: